Long time no see! Juon tässä just kuumaa teetä, sillä olo on sen mukainen, että joku virus on tainnut hyökätä mun kimppuun… anygays! Oon nyt ollut menossa siellä sun täällä, vaikka lomalla olenkin, mut ehkä tää on samanlainen juttu kuin se, kun vanhukset jää eläkkeelle ja sitte niistä tulee tosi kiireisiä? Ken tietää… Ajattelin nyt kuitenkin aikani kuluksi tehdä uuden blogimerkinnän, sillä edellisestä on taas aikaa. Millonkohan opin olemaan aktiivinen koko asian kanssa? heh. Mulla ei ole paljoakaan mitään ihmeellistä kerrottavaa, joten this is now my Jewelry Edition! Esittelen suurimman osan koruistani ja kerron niiden tarinan, jos niillä sellainen on.
Psssst.... U can click the pictures bigger, if you want to take a closer look!
From: Japan, Harajuku
Price: can't really remember that well, but less than 10€ and more than 5.
From: Originally from Japan, but I bought it from my friend, 'cos she didn't wear it anymore.
Price: don't know the market price...
Story: This is one of my oldest jewelry and one of the dearest. It holds many memories. It's also important for the reason, that the GazettE's Ruki owns one too. This necklace is very heavy... and it's a real lock, that can be opened with a key. love it...!
From: Anttila, Sello
Price: it was approx. 15€.
Story: I really love cameo jewelries... Don't know why. They just hold some magical feeling. Someone might say, that cameo is SO last season, but I don't care.... What visually pleases my eye, is what I want. the end.
From: Kamppi, Helsinki
Price: the whole thing ~40€.
Story: I originally bought the crucifix from Ninja (Men) but soon the necklace broke and the cross fell to somewhere and I bought this new cross from some jewelry boutique and replaced the old (missing) cross with the new one. This new cross is full Silver so it cost about 24€. As you can see, I also like cross necklaces... I really sound neurotic.... lol
From: the upper one is from Tokyo, Harajuku and the lower one is from Lindex or Kappahl ( I think...?)
Price: they were both kinda cheap. The one from Tokyo was bit more expensive... They are both brooches.
From: The first on left is from Bijou Brigitte and also the middle one. The Vivienne Westwood's Armor ring is from Japan.
Price: aw man... can't remember...
From: From Bijou Brigitte. My sister gave these to me as a Christmas present. really love both of them. I don't know their prices, 'cos it was a present... These are one of my favorite jewelries 'cos they are emotionally important to me and because they are very beautiful. I love Fleur de Lis! (in French Fleur means flower and Lis means lily).
From: Japan, Tokyo
Price: don't remember.
Story: this necklace was missing a long time until I found it from one of my bags. it's one of my favorite necklaces and again, it's a cross jewelry...! It reminds me of Ruki...
From: Japan, Harajuku
Price: 10-15€.
From: Japan, Harajuku
Price: ~10€. Story: Yes, once again it's from Japan. And Harajuku.... (^-^)''
From: I can't remember were the black bracelet is from, but the chain bracelet is from Helsinki's city käytävä (korumaailma). The panther bracelet is from (ta-da-da-daa) Harajuku!
Price: that black thing was cheap... But the chain bracelet is stainless steel and it was kinda expensive (40€). The panther thingy was also cheap.
Story: I bought the chain bracelet for one of my Ruki Cosplays and ever since I have wore it almost everyday. I never take it off. It's kinda heavy, 'cos it is full steel, but it's also very strong.
From: The earring is From Japan. (Vivienne Westwood) and the necklace is made by my ex-girlfriend. She gave it to me as a birthday present.
Price: can't remember and the necklace = (unknown) = priceless.
Story: As I said the necklace is made by my ex and for that reason it has a lot of emotional price. Someone might recognize that Ruki has exactly the same looking necklace in Distress and Coma. So my ex gf is very talented - as you can see! And I am really thankful. ♥
♪ I also had this one ring, but one day I couldn't find it anywhere. Someone had maybe stolen it or then it just had dropped from my bag or something. But it was my favorite ring and I'm really sad, that I don't have it anymore... Here's the ring in some old picture: ♪
By the way my friend Julia J. modified this picture. So thank u, Julia! ♥
Nyt on muuten pakko laittaa yks kuva tänne, missä näytän NIIIIIIIIIN oravalta, että tukehdun kohta pähkinöihini:
Klikatkaa se isommaksi.... squik! Hei, olen Terho! (kuvat on Nikun synttäreiltä viime vuoden loppukesästä).
Ps. orava No. 2! BEHOLD!
Shortly in English: hello, I'm a squirrel! Vol. 1&2. (click the pictures)
Ehkäpä tämä nyt oli tässä.... Ensi kerralla tulee sitten jotain life story -tapaista kuvasettiä, kunhan nyt pääsiäisen yli päästään! ps. en käynyt virpomassa. olis pitänyt. kuitenkin nyt kaikille hyvää pääsiäistä ja toivottavasti saatte isoja munia! ............... ei. älkää ajatelko sitä NOIN. täysin vilpitön oli tämä kommentti.
♪ Happy Easter to everyone and next time I'm going to do ''my life story'' -based post that includes lots of pictures. Baibai~ ♪
XOXO, Toki